Undergraduate Programs

¡Bienvenidos! Bem-vindos!

Spanish and Portuguese, two of the most prominent Romance languages in the world, have not only been spoken but have also significantly shaped the Americas since late 15th-century European colonization. Among the 35 countries in the region, Spanish is the official language in 19, while Portuguese is spoken by more than 200 million in Brazil. Furthermore, over 60 million people speak Spanish in the US, and lusophones also have vibrant and dynamic communities in California, Florida, and the Northeast.

Our department offers a variety of courses that allow students to attain proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in both languages while deepening their understanding of the literature, cultures, and societies of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. Students can earn a major in Spanish or choose between minors in Spanish or Portuguese. As part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive learning experience, students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the department's study abroad opportunities.

For advising on issues regarding Undergraduate study, such as Registration in an Undergraduate course, Placement Tests, Declaring a Major or Minor, Reviewing DARS and Spanish Major Degree Requirements, Department Honors, and other issues, please contact Humanities Academic Services (HAS) via email.
